NSN API Documentation (v1.0)

The API is available at https://api.nsn.org.uk/v1/

Documentation homepage https://docs.api.nsn.org.uk/

GET /v1/resource/{id}

Returns details about a particular resource.


Name Type Sample Example Description
id int 12902 /v1/resource/12902 The ID of the resource to get more details


These values are available at the top level of the API response

Name Type Sample Description
host string (url) https://api.nsn.org.uk The host name of the API you're currently calling.
version string /v1 The version of the API you're currently using, prefixed with a slash as it appears in the URL.
data object An object containing details about the resource


These values are within the data object

Name Type Sample Description
accessibility array An array of the accessibility access services the resource offers.
youtube string (url) https://www.youtube.com/ The URL to the resource's youtube channel (if they have one). This may be an empty string.
url string (url) https://api.nsn.org.uk/v1/redirect/12902 The fully qualified redirect URL to the resource itself
email object (email address) hello@mypickle.org An email address for contacting the resource (if they have one). This may be an empty string.
name string Free dry cleaning of interview clothes The name of the resource
twitter string (url) https://twitter.com The URL to the resource's Twitter account (if they have one). This may be an empty string.
locations array An array of the areas the resource provides services to. These may be England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and/or Wales.
instagram string (url) https://instagram.com The URL to the resource's Instagram account (if they have one). This may be an empty string.
free int 1 A value indicating whether or not the service is free
deliveryMethods array An array of the delivery methods the resource offers.
id int 12902 The unique ID of the resource
redirect URL A relative redirect path to the resource's main delivery site.
phone string 01234 111111 The resource's contact number (if they have one). This may be an empty string.
facebook string (url) https://facebook.com The URL to the resource's Facebook account (if they have one). This may be an empty string.
slug string free-dry-cleaning-of-interview-clothes Lower case, url-encoded version of the name of the resource. This value is the same as the name, formatted differently.
bespoke array An array of groups that the resource has a particularly specialised service for eg Women, Armed-forces veterans etc
supportTypes array An array of types of support the resource offers
specialOfferPrice string If the resource offers a special pricing structure, this is detailed here.
categories array An array of categories the resource is within.
description string An html formatted, human-readable description for the resource.
price string Pricing details about the resource's service
pricing array An array of pricing options for the resource
type string resource Specifies that these details are about a resource.

Documentation homepage https://docs.api.nsn.org.uk/